DOVGAN Gold Royal Vodka 37,5% vol. 700 ml
DOVGAN Gold Royal Vodka 37.5% vol. is a premium vodka known for its exceptional smoothness and purity. With an alcohol content of 37.5% vol., it delivers a balanced and refined taste, making it perfect for both cocktails and enjoying neat over ice. Crafted from high-quality grains and pure water, it offers a luxurious drinking experience. The vodka is distilled four times and filtered through activated charcoal, ensuring a high level of purity and a remarkably mild flavor. The elegant design of its satin-finish bottle further enhances the premium nature of this vodka.
Alc. 37,5 vol.
Vertrieb: DOVGAN GmbH, Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg,
Kaufen DOVGAN Gold Royal Vodka 37,5% vol. 700 ml im Dovgan Online Shop